Spongebob ice cream truck
Spongebob ice cream truck

spongebob ice cream truck

Can't Take Criticism: SpongeBob really wanted some criticism on his work, but when Plankton acquiesces and fabricates the very minor critique of using too much sauce, he turns into a whimpering mess."Even if I have to come back tomorrow! And the next day! And the next day."I'VE SOILED THE GOOD KRUSTY KRAB NAME! SOILED IT! SOILED IT! SOILED IT! SOILED IT! SOILED IT! SOILED IT! SOILED IT! SOILED IT! SOILED IT!".DADDY! DADDY! DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY! DADDY! DADDY! DADDDY!!!.He then accidentally swallows her giant tears and becomes severely bloated. She is given a $1 bill by Plankton and she thinks he hates her. Berserker Tears: As you expect from Pearl.Eventually, Plankton snaps and goes back to his old life. Krabs after growing tired of his own lifestyle, but finds Mr. Plankton successfully switches lives with Mr.

spongebob ice cream truck

Be Careful What You Wish For: The episode's title is not a play on the saying "The Grass is always Greener (on the other side of the hill)" for nothing.Battle Cry: "No shirt! No shoes! NO SERVICE!!!".Plankton travels to an alternate universe where he's the manager of the Krusty Krab and briefly enjoys it, until the point he just can't tolerate all the madness surrounding Mr. Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: After describing how much Krabs is hated, SpongeBob stated that it's not even the worst part about him, prompting Plankton to shout this line:.An Aesop: As the title indicated, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.Abnormal Ammo: The Krusty Krab has a cannon that shoots clothes in case Krabs shows up."The Algae's Always Greener" features examples of: Plankton can't handle it and returns to his old life, a lot happier than before. The customers and crew give a "victory screech" as Krabs promises to come back the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and so forth. SpongeBob stops the threat by shooting clothes at the naked nemesis, finally pinning a bra onto him. The threat turns out to be none other than Krabs, Plankton's business rival, trying to steal a Krabby Patty. When a siren starts blaring, the customers and crew take cover, much to Plankton's confusion. Things don't go much better when his daughter Pearl cries about not getting a bigger allowance, a customer complaining about Squidward's "cooking", and SpongeBob crying about how he "soiled the good Krusty Krab name" after he gave a customer a bigger drink by accident.

spongebob ice cream truck

When SpongeBob starts whimpering at his criticism, Plankton is forced to promote SpongeBob to co-cashier and move Squidward to grill duty when he complains.

spongebob ice cream truck

When pressed for an answer, Plankton says SpongeBob uses too much sauce. That is, until SpongeBob comes in for a weekly performance review. Plankton uses his authority to do a "bun inspection" and revel in his fame and fortune. After being launched into a red tunnel, Plankton wakes up at Krabs' desk at the Krusty Krab dressed in his clothes. Karen then suggests he use his "Switch-Lives-Just-To-Know-What-It's-Like-O-Mogrifier" which he uses it switch lives with Krabs, obviously. When Plankton gets home he gets fed up with his boring life eating "holographic meatloaf" for dinner and wishes to switch lives with him just to know what it’s like. K freaks out when he thinks somebody is trying to shoot him but calms down when it turns out to just be Plankton and flicks him away. The episode starts with Plankton using a decoy ketchup bottle to launch himself onto a Krabby Patty that Old Man Walker purchased, but Old Man Walker's aim launches him like a bullet into Mr. Plankton learns that the algae's always greener when he switches lives with Mr. "GOOD GRIEF, HE'S NAKED!" The Algae's Always Greener

Spongebob ice cream truck